Saturday, February 26, 2011

I admire people who can accept things as they are and go about their day-to-day life.  But, sometimes I wonder ... when people get caught up in this routine, do they lose sight of what they truly want out of life? Does change become something that is feared rather than welcomed? I often wonder which side of the spectrum works out best ... is it better to play it safe and go with what you know or to take chances and saunter into a new realm? I used to fall on the get-up-and-go side of that  ... there wasn’t an adventure that I said no to. But, at some point ... every free spirit  must be somewhat tamed. My life, now, is more routine than it has ever been and I actually didn’t even notice until recently ... I suppose it’s a lot easier to be transformed by a darling little girl than a 9-5 desk job. So ... I’ve been the cant-sit-still girl and the must-sit-still girl, and there are certainly things that I enjoy about both ... but I think the only thing that will ever be routine about my life is that there is no routine. Of course, I change diapers regularly, feed and put Lexi down for naps at pretty much the same time each day, etc. But outside of the Mom stuff, I don’t want everything to be tick-tock. That doesn’t mean I’m not ambitious or lack motivation, in fact, I think it’s just the opposite. I have so much I want to do, learn, see and gain from my life that it just doesn’t make sense to pick one. Do I lack focus at times, sure ... do I daydream too much ... some may call it that (the blog title is making more and more sense, now, right?) ... but all in all, I don’t want to ever settle in the sense that I do something just do to it ... just to fill the hours in my precious day. That’s not me. Is that you? It’s fine if it is ... everyone is different and that’s what I love about this world ... but again, I just worry that people get too caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget about other important stuff. So revisit your hopes and dreams and aspirations ... perhaps there is some wiggle room in your day?

Lexism of the Day: lexi trying to lift things she considered "heavy" and grunting like a meathead throwing up giant dumbbells at the gym

OMG Moment:  Lexi up at 5 a.m. blabbing and laughing ... when she finally falls back to sleep at 6 she snores for 50 minutes then is up for good. NOOOOO. i liked her better when she slept in til 8 all last week

Current Craving: lounging with my besties who live too far away

Try this: (a site where you can swap books with other members for free- well, minus the $2-3 shipping, of course) 

Read this:  Got a picky eater one your hands? Pick up "Deceptively Delicious" by Jessica Seinfeld 

Exercise this: lose the thigh jiggle

Avoid this:  sending a mean/negative/spiteful text/email to someone you think deserves one. let karma/fate/etc run its course instead.

Quote/lyric that fits the day: ... 
What is the purpose of my life If it doesn’t have to do With learning to let it go ... - Jack Johnson (Go On)

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